Assalamualaikum, darlings.
I'm so sorry, sebab lama tak muncul. Cik SA lebih aktif di FB dan IG. Makanya, blog jadi sangat....krik krik. Huhu.
Btw, seperti yang ramai sudah sedia maklum, Salju Kyoto sudah pun keluar di pasaran bulan ini, Mac 2016. Yay!! Finally, selepas 3 bulan delay (supposedly SK kuar Disember). So far, feedback dan review sangatlah positif. 200 buah stok Salju Kyoto yang Cik SA ambil daripada KS sold out dalam masa seminggu sahaja. So, Cik SA tambah lagi stok 100 buah SK dan 40 buah Chan Rak Ter. Yup, CRT tetiba femes balik sebab readers yang baca SK nak baca CRT jugak (dan Cereka Cinta sebab dalam tu ada Ryu).
Basically, ramai yang dah mula berminat dengan genre cinta aksi. Alhamdulillah, ini memang satu penerimaan yang sangat positif, since genre ni tak banyak di Malaysia. So, yeah! Cik SA sangat happy dan bersyukur. Terima kasih sangat-sangat! =)
Buat yang tertanya-tanya, sama ada stok masih ada dengan Cik SA dan masih boleh diorder ke tidak. jawapannya... "Ya, boleh. Sebab stok baru sampai." So, without further ado, ini details ya:
Kalau nak kombokan SK dgn mana-mana novel Cik SA yang lain, boleh juga. Cik SA bagi harga kombo. Just contact me, to know the details. =)
Last but not least, Cik SA nak share salah satu review awal tentang Salju Kyoto. TQ, Joy Chuah!
See you, again!
Cik SA
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ReplyDeleteHai sara,
ReplyDeleteSaya bukN la peminat novel tp saya prminat cite2 and komik jepun and your novel caught my eyes, dan lepas baca saya rasa 5 star saya bagi, sangat best n i can imagine setiap aksi n adegan lam novel tu, n for the first time saya bca novel tanpa skip, i love it!! Hehe arjuna has become one of my fav character hehe , kipidap!
Hai, dear
DeleteAlhamdulillah. TQ sooo much! ramai jugak peminat anime yg baca SK, hehe...=)
hye sis I one of salju kyoto fan ... I have been waiting for this novel to be realease...
ReplyDeletethis I my first time read your novel n u can catch my interest to read the whole story from starting untill the end in one night only...can u imaging how focus and excited am I to know the ending of this novel.. congratulations to u sis ..
DeleteAlhamdulillah. tq sooo much, arigatou! =)
Arjuna Kaede sangatlah cool!=)
Best novel Sk ni. Worth to keep in your bookshelf.
ReplyDeleteSK mmg best.. Sehari dh khatam buku ni.. Kipidap SA.. Lps ni cpt2 trbit novel bru pula ya...
ReplyDeleteTahniah sis. Suka sgt novel sis yg ni. Saya bukanlah pencinta novel, tp sbb saya peminat anime dgn manga, saya terpandang novel sis dan saya rasa mesti kena beli jugak. Rasa mcm genre action romantic ni jarang sgt ada. Sekarang kan byk yg ke arah kekoreaan. Jarang nak dpt ke arah kejepunan ni. Hehe. AK hero paling best. Dalam kepala otak ni asyik terbayang Nagase Tomoya je yang sesuai jadi AK ni.
ReplyDeleteHi Sis, congrats on the publish of the latest novel.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy reading it although some of the words nak kena check online for the meaning.
I bought it last Monday (20th June 2016) and now its in the mid section of the book...hahaha
Chronic case since its difficult to put the book down.
I also have read the previous you have done and really look forward for next book. Cheers.
Hai sis sara, sy dh bca novel salju kyoto. Mula2 tgk novel tu, rasa mcm bapak tebal, mcm mana lah sis dpt idea tulis setbal tu. Mmg salute laa.... then bila bca tu makin lama makin xleh stop. Even bila dh hbis pon xleh move on. Nk bca novel cinta yg lain rsa mcm sweet smcam plak. Nak crita mcm salju kyoto. Serius lain dri yg lain. Arjuna, nailah, badri semua watak2 tu n yg lain2 (ryohei,sato) sy xleh lupa. Rasa mcm ishhh nk smbungn dia or novel yg best gila mcm nie... huhu bagus sis sbb buat crita yg menarik. Thanks. Arigatou
ReplyDeleteI hope to be able to invite you and I hope you can come.