February 5, 2012

My beloved BookXcess

Saya pun tak pasti sama ada ramai dah baca entri saya tentang BookXcess, my favorite book store of all. Tapi BX memang the best!! hehe...

Semalam my sisters and I pergi sana untuk tengok buku-buku terbaru dan of course beli beberapa buah. Tapi tak banyak pun yang dibeli semalam, sebab....masih ada terlampau banyak buku kat rak yang belum dibaca. Buku yang dibeli waktu Big Bad Wolf hari tu belum dihabiskan lagi. Serius!! Sara Aisha memang seorang yang suka beli banyak buku, rajin balut semua buku tu tapi....nak bacanya? Adoi!! Entah bila, saya pun tak tahu.

Nak buat macam mana, kan? Selalu je tak sempat. Baru je nak baca sebuah, boleh pulak terfikir benda lain nak buat. Last-last, buku kat tangan tadi kena letak balik kat rak..huhu..

Oklah, back to BX. Semalam kitorang beli 7 buah buku. Dan salah sebuahnya adalah....jeng3....

Yup, A Cup of Comfort for Writers!!!

That's why i love BX!! Dahlah murah, selalu je ade the right book for me...hehe... Buku ini tentang inspirational stories daripada penulis kepada penulis. Yup, kadang-kadang seorang penulis tu akan ada masalahnya sendiri, e.g writer's block, atau dah hilang feeling untuk menulis...so mungkin salah satu cara untuk cope dengan masalah ini adalah dengan membaca sebuah buku yang boleh memberikan inspirasi. Mungkin tak banyak yang dapat membantu, tetapi sekurang-kurangnya kita mencuba untuk menghadapi masalah kita, kan?


  1. BookXcess?? owh...zaman akak blaja kat UM dl takde rasenya BookXcess kat amcorp mall...kebykan shop dlm tu slalu tutup...murah btol buku kat situ ya...bole gelap mata klu pg...hehe...ms BBW aritu pon, paksa my sis pg carik semua buku cecelia ahern tp tak sold out...dpt buku Match Albom jer...klu berkesempatan, mau jgak pg bookXcess ni nnt...penjimatan yg berbaloi2...


  2. Hi Sara,

    Indeed, BX is a cool store :) bought many bio and autobiography there.

    Talking about writer and things they write, as a reader I guess one of the most important thing is for the writer to be as informative as possible.. The writer should know what they're writing about, and reading is of course another way for the writer to achieve that.

    Readers like to know that they're reading good materials :) so I guess you'll find time to read all those books you bought and continue writing great stuff!


  3. kak lin dear!! akak pun dulu kat UM?? samalah kt. sy junior akak rupanye..hehe...

    yup, skrg amcorp dh ade BX. serius best kedai buku tu. harga yg ditawarkan mmg rendah, plus blh dpt less lg klu gn kad dia. dn mcm akak tulis, yup..mmg rambang mata kalu pegi sn. kalau x pnh basket tu, mmg tak sah!! hehe...

    for sure, kak lin mmg kena cari peluan utk dtg kek BX!! =)

  4. hi, rhyz!! oh, u love to read bio and autobiography? that's great! it's not my cup of coffee, though...hehe.

    yup, u're so right!! a writer needs to be as informative as possible. he/she needs to know to the core what exactly he/she intends to write. besides, readers are smart and always know when a certain writer actually do some research for the books...or not..

    i'm in the middle of finding time to read all the books. once i start to read a page, i won't be able to stop, i think..hehe. so insya' Allah, i'll read..=)

  5. Hey, Ngah!Yes, we're the most hardworking people on the earth in buying and wrapping books, but reading???Haha..We're not.Guess, we need to find time to read more than 70 books on our rack, especially me.Hehe...

  6. @reading heart: soooo true, dear...we really need to find time to read...hehe
