May 23, 2011

Rindu Cintaku

~Rindu Cintaku~

This is the third part of the novel 'Ombak Rindu'. I'm not going to write any comment about Rindu Cintaku since honestly i haven't read it. So, let's just proceed with the synopsis:


Izzah tercari-cari ketika dirinya hilang ingatan. Mimpi-mimpi ngeri tentang suaminya berkunjung datang dalam kotak minda menambah kekeliruan, menjadikan dia kedinginan dalam cinta Hariz yang sentiasa membara. Izzah pulih saat konflik memuncak dan dia tak berdaya untuk menggalas beban yang membelenggu hati bila cinta suami ditagih insan lain walau maruah menjadi taruhan.

Hariz yang keresahan terus dilanda tsunami permasalahan. Neraca karma beralun ganas melibas keegoaannya. Hariz hilang punca, hilang kuasa dan hilang Izzah. NAmun membuang cintanya pada isteri tercinta tidak pernah wujud dihatinya walau dalam keterpaksaan.

Andainya mampu ditebus kesilapan apakah harga yang perlu dilunaskan? Rumahtangga? cinta tak kesampaian? Kesetiaan? Maruah? Atau.... Nyawa?

English Translation:

Beeing amnesiac, Izzah keeps looking for her real self. Things getting more complicated when nightmares about her husband keeps coming back and forth leading to confusion and her being so cold towards Hariz’s beautiful love. Izzah finally regains her lost memories when things seem to be too late; everything is already at the climax of the conflicts. And she is not strong enough to face the other woman; the woman who want to snatch away her husband’s love.

The pitiful Hariz is still haunted by the unstoppable troubles. A taboo dances along with his egoism, causing him to lose in the dark, loses the power and ultimately lose his Izzah. However, nover once he thinks of throwing away his love for his beloved wife even in the most unimaginable situation.

So, what is the price of a redeem for mistakes? Marriage? Unreachable love? Loyalty? Pride? Or….Life??

-End of English Translation-

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