April 7, 2011

Ka Kaung kon…it’s too dragging

Remember I wrote that I was hoping that KKK won’t have too much conflict with too much of Nang’ek stupidity??? Well, my hope was broken into pieces. Ok, ok...i was just being exaggerated. I guess I am now infected with EXACTgerated style…haha!!!

When I first found out that EXACT was going to prolong the episodes of KKK, I went “What??? Dragging line is coming…” And yes, that’s exactly what happened. I think some of the scenes started to make no sense, Khun Gluay was becoming more stupid; same goes to Khun Luck (sorry, I just need to say this…huhu), and what the heck is wrong with Khun Kai??? Can’t you see that your dear sister loves that same man you tried to kill???

And did I mention how much I hate Jen and Jedsada??? I just, well…cannot stand them!! Jedsada, that’s the type of guy I would hate most. You’re acting like you’re the noblest man on earth (with Khun Kai kept mentioning he’s a good guy), but the truth is you’re just a bad, desperate man who cannot see that the girl doesn’t love you. Owh, no matter how much I love Oh Anuchyd, I definitely cannot stand this Jedsada guy. P’Oh, you’re soooooo good in acting, it makes me hate you, hehe…

Frankly speaking, I skipped few episodes already. Now I’m just waiting for the last episodes. Seriously, why don’t they just stick to 16 episodes instead of 20??


  1. yeahh you're right.. the story is going nowhere and i skipped few episodes too! just reading the comments and reviews.. hehehe but imma glad that khun luck is not another typical praek.. hehehe

  2. me, too!! i just read the reviews and went "what is wrong with this lakorn now????"

    u're right, i'm also very glad that he's not like another typical pra'ek. i think i keep on watching KKK because of him. but i still am excited for the last episode...=)
