April 5, 2011

Bicara Hati (Words of Heart)

Maybe is't not too much for me to say that Bicara Hati is one of the most popular Malay novels. I still remember how it became a sensation when it was first published. Well, at least among my friends and I. Though it's not my favorite, i still like it. My no. 1 favorite Malay novel will always be Sentuhan Kasih by Norhayati Berahim.

Bicara Hati is one of the novel that i can still remember clearly, even after years of reading it. Well, i'm a type of girl who can remember every little detail of novels that i read, actually...even if it was years and years ago. How i wish it goes the same for my study, which of course not!! Hehe...

So back to Bicara Hati, for me it's a lakorn-type of novel. Opppps, sorry!! Being me, i just need to relate everything with lakorn..haha!! So, why did i say that?? Well, it has these characteristics...

1) Marriage-in-name-only plot (they got married because of money)
2) I-hate-you-but-i-love-you
3) The main guy is handsome, rich, arrogant
4) The main girl is beautiful, poor, kind-hearted
5) The main guy is in denial of falling for the girl
6) The girl villain is sexy, annoying, shameless
7) Mistaken identity (the girl turned out to somebody's daughter and actually rich)
8) The main girl has a good male friend (source of the main guy's super jealousy!!)
9) The main guy is a super duper jealousy type of guy
10) And finally, there are 'R' scenes!! (why do the guy has to 'R' his own wife??)

See, it's lakorn style!! hehe..

So, what is this novel all about???


DALAM satu kemalangan kecil yang tidak disengajakan, Tengku Syahran dan Zahlia bertemu. Ketika itu, Tengku Syahran sedang buntu memikirkan cadangan emaknya ingin menjodohkan dia dengan Linda, seorang wanita yang tidak pernah dicintai. Seminggu mengenali Zahlia, Tengku Syahran menyatakan hasratnya untuk memperisterikan Zahlia untuk mengelak dirinya dikahwinkan dengan Linda. Zahlia terkejut dengan permintaan Tengku Syahran. Tengku Syahran tidak dikenali dan tidak mungkin Zahlia boleh jatuh cinta dengan pemuda itu. Zahlia serba salah untuk menerima lamaran itu.

Pelbagai cara dilakukan oleh Tengku Syahran untuk memenangi hati Zahlia. Akhirnya Zahlia akur tetapi dengan syarat, iaitu hak-hak peribadi Zahlia tidak akan diganggu. Setelah diijabkabul, Tengku Syahran mula berubah. Egonya terlalu tinggi dan dia tidak mengikut penjanjian yang telah ditetapkan. Zahlia rasa tertipu. Tengku Syahran telah mungkir janji.

Kini timbul pelbagai konflik dalam rumah tangganya. Benarkah hakikat bahawa perkahwinan yang berdasarkan kontrak tidak dapat mengundang rasa cinta, kasih, sayang dan kerinduan? Bicara Hati sebuah kisah yang dapat mengungkap segala rahsia.

English translation:

With a twist of fate, Tengku Syahran and Zahlia met in a small accident. At that time, Tengku Syahran was in stress over his mother's plan of marrying him off with Linda, a woman that he doesn't love. After a week of knowing Zahlia, Tengku Syahran proposed her so that he would not have to marry Linda.

Zahlia was surprised with the proposal; how can she marry him when she doesn't even know him and it's impossible for her to love him. Tengku Syahran tried to win her over and finally Zahlia accepted the proposal with one vital condition; he MUST not interrupt her privacy. After their marriage, Tengku Syahran started to change. With his very high ego and arrogant personality, the gentleman Tengku Syahran who used to plead Zahlia to marry him was no more. Zahlia felt cheated; Tengku Syahran has broken his promises.

Things getting more complicated when so many conflicts started to emerge, one by one. Is it true that the fact of a contract marriage will not blossom into love and warmth???

-End of translation-

For those who has not read this, i highly recommend it to you. And i'm sure you're sooooo gonna hate the bad Tengku Syahran and love the sweet Tengku Syahran...hehe

p/s: can i imagine Pong Nawat as Tengku Syahran?? Hehe..


  1. haha.. 'R' scene?

    yup.. mmg best.. i dh baca.. n smpai hilang buku tu.. hehe

  2. Sure u can imagine kalau pong jadi tengku shahran..hehhehehe..
    plus kalo zahlia tu bee namthip pn comeelll sgt!!hehhe.. suke!!=)

  3. @fana: haha, yup..."R" scene...
    wow!!! bace smpi hilang buku...hehe

  4. @sha: kan?? kan??? he's gonna be perfect for the role, and Tik too...hehe
    bee as zahlia??? ni mesti effect citer yg u ckp hari tu...haha!!

  5. hahahhaha.. sangat!!tp saye mmg minat dorg dua org ni..Sweet sangat jadi couple! Tik pn sweet kalau jadi tengku shahran..
    And sah-sah kalau citer ni berjaya jadi lakorn, kite la org yg duk hari2x depan laptop menghadap youtube.hehehe

  6. u're sooooo right!!!! =)
    pastu menjerit "hensem nye!!! hensem nye!!!" haha

  7. hahhahhahahha..pastu bermonolog dalam hati.nak jugak bf hensem!!=p

  8. best sgt buku ni...smpai lasam dah...

  9. a'ah, latifah. ni pn ade hati nk pegi beli yg baru pulak...haha...
