May 3, 2011

Malai Sarm Chai

~Malai Sarm Chai aka Flower Garland for 3 Men~

This is an epic lakorn from none other than Aom Phiyada!! If you are a fan of her, i'm sure you won't missed this lakorn. It's a must-watch!! It's a looooong lakorn, though. 45 episodes, which means you can have 3 lakorns in this one lakorn. Well, it's a lakorn with 3 different Prang'ek so i guess it REALLY is a lakorn with 3 lakorns. Oh, my!! What did write? You can understand what i'm trying to tell you, right? Hehe..

So, let's see what is it all about...


"Lhaor orn" is a particular lady living through 5 period of monarchy. There has been a lot in her life which make her undergo marriages for 3 times. Surrounded people have eyes on her very carefully. Still, she finally has herself acceptable by living valuably and gracefully.

Lhaor orn (Aom Phiyada) is a beautiful daughter of Sir Worapan and Lady Jamriang, yet her mother passed away since she was so young. Her Auntie, Jaruay brought her in the palace since then. She graduates from manner-training girl school and live as a royal highness’ service in palace ever since. She becomes one of woman courtiers out of the question. Later on, she gets married with Yod Platorn (Captain). But once she is disappointed with marriage life, she has got courage to leave him and escapes from “Platorn Family”, then live lonely as a proud widow.

When it comes to her second marriage, it seems everyone wonders if she could get as rich and honorable as the former. However they got surprised when her new husband fully outclassed her past one. Her second husband, Thep (Kong) is someone with high position in military.

Lhaor orn is happy with her fine and dependable husband. Yet, when her second husband was dead, she has got enough rational reasons for the third marriage. And he happens to be a noble, Prince Direak-Ruj (Son), a single doctor from the North. It doesn’t seem he is compatible with a widow with kids in any ways.

Lhaor orn has lived a delightful life, and at the same time coped with the hardships in life in terms of balancing righteous and suitability. She has to face all the sensuality and jealousy involved her in moments of her living. What is the conclusion in the end…to be continued in Lady Lhaor orn.

~Credits to Han Media Culture~

~Lhaor Orn with her 3 husbands~

Among the three husbands, i love Son the most. Forgive me, but i'm more into young and handsome actor...haha!!! Nope, that's not it. That's not the reason. I just like his character. He's a lot younger that Lhaor Orn, but he has this maturity inside him. He knows how to control things and he definitely knows how to protect his loved one. And as for Son who plays this Prince Direak-Ruj, i think he had improved a lot in his acting skill. I still remember watching his rigid, robotic like acting in few of his previous lakorns. So, thumbs up to our Son Songpaisarn..=)

The cast:

~Aom Phiyada Akarasanee as Lhaor Orn~

~Captain Phutanate Hongmanop as Khun Yots~

~Kong Saharat Sangkaprichaas as P'Thep~

~Son Songpaisarn as Prince Direak-Ruj~

Some pics of the couples:

~Aom and Captain~

~Aom and Kong~

Aom and Son

~Photos credits to foreverpongandaom~

Definitely love the vintage style of the photoshoots!!! They looked amazing!!


~Credits to spicyforums~

I did tried to look for trailer with Eng subs but cannot find any. So sorry...=(

Link to this lakorn:

Viki (subs completed)

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