November 12, 2010

Wong Wian Hua Jai aka Love Rotation aka Revolving Hearts

~Wong Wian Hua Jai~

Have you watched WWHJ? It is definitely one of my favourite lakorn!!! I watched it after I watched Kaew Tah Pee and I fell in love with it at once…haha!! I just love Weir and Pinky, they made a perfect couple!!! (Sorry Pancake, I’m not trying to set up your man with some other woman..hehe)

Honestly, it was the first time I watched Weir on screen. Or is it because my eyes have always been on Khun Tik??? Haha!! And as for Pinky, all I know about her is her gossip with Aum Atichart. Never expect that she really is good in acting…hehe..

So, what is this “WWHJ” all about??


Weir, in this lakorn, is a grape plantation owner, he has a younger sister played by Tarn Kanya, who falls for Pinky’s boyfriend Pulpat Attapanyapol (Chalee from “Silamanee”). Pulpat impregnates her. Not wanting Pinky to ruin his sister happiness with Pulpat, Weir makes her his wife. He does this using deception. When they first met, Pinky is very drunk and is drugged by a guy to a hotel to be raped. Weir sees what was happening and saves her. He takes her to his hotel. When she wakes up, she thinks Weir had raped her. Since then, she hates him. Later on, he uses this incident to his advantage and forced her to a force marriage. In their relationship, Weir secretly loves Pinky and teases her as a husband to a wife. Eventually, Pinky learns to forget Pulpat and fall for Weir.

~synopsis credits to iheartlakorns~

And of course some pics...=)
(actually these are recaps from iheartlakorns so credits to Lyn)

~"our honeymoon is over.." scene ~

~Pinky oh Pinky, you tried to take over a man 1 ft taller than you?? it will end up with an accidental kiss, dear...hehe~

The trailers:

~Trailers credit to StarsSubbingTeam~

Warning to those who haven't watch this and intended to....hehe

1) you're sooooo gonna love Weir and Pinky, they're overly, overly cute!!!! =)
2) you're gonna hate Weir when he started to misunderstand Pinky and treat her bad (just like a typical lakorn...)
3) you'll feel like getting into WWHJ and kill the bad girl (Baithong) yourself!!!
4) you're going to love Pinky's father!!! especially the 'gun' scene..hehe

So, happy watching!!!!

Link to this lakorn:


  1. hai...saya baru saja habis tengok cerita ni...memang best, tak rugi tengok.

  2. kan? kan? sgt best!!!!
    tgk byk kali pun x pe....hehe

  3. Best gler cite nih. Scene dieorg bertumbok dlm bilik tu kelakar haha

  4. siapa tau cerita thailand pasal lelaki kaya dgn perempuan miskin? perempuan tu pernah rosak oleh lelaki lain.dan ada scene dia mau bunuh diri dgn masuk perlahan2x dlm sungai..saya nak sbgt tau tajuk dia..pernah main kat tv.tapi tak sure tv apa.

  5. Siapa tau cite thai pasal lelaki kaya dgn perempuan miskin..perempuan tu pernah rosak oleh lelaki lain dan ada scene dia nak bunuh diri dgn perlahan2x masuk sungai..pernah main kat tv tapi tak sure channel apa
